So last August, Jason and I moved into our new home. We were very fortunate to be able to have Jason build it through his company. We were able to make any changes that we wanted to the house and it saved us like 50K, Holla! We both have LOVED this floor plan since we first started dating and Jason started working with this company. I'm so blessed to now be in it almost a year later. Dreams really do come true!
Here are some pictures of what we've done so far to the house.

This is our new dresser from IKEA, it was fun putting it together because IKEA doesn't include any words in the directions, just pictures. No...really, I'm being serious! It was quite the adventure because I'm super anal and wanted to make sure it was done correctly!
I'll have to download the rest of the pictures of the house onto the computer, I wish I knew how to do like a slide show or something. I guess if I spent more time on this blog then I would know how to do that. More posts to come of the different parts of the house....patience people, two posts in ONE day is miraculous!