Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddio!

Happy Birthday Dad! My incredible Dad celebrated 56 wonderful years of life on the 23rd, I decided I wanted to make him a cake to celebrate since he is absolutely the hardest person to shop for. He loves Strawberries so I decided that I'd go all out with his cake. Overall it was pretty good, though very rich. I got the recipe from Hyper Homemaker's cooking blog 'Good Things Catered' I highly recommend checking out that blog.
My Dad is my hero; he is always looking out for the well being of his family. Growing up my life was pretty consumed with volleyball and my dad made a very conscious effort to make it to as many games as he could. Thinking back on it now, I don't really remember many games that he did miss. He and my mom were my biggest fans and always supported me in whatever I was doing. I love you Daddio and I hope that you had a great birthday... I'm sure you did 'cause you got an iPhone out of it!!!!

This is a picture of the cake I made him using his new toy, the iPhone, it takes pretty good pictures, wouldn't you say? I should have taken one from a different angle but I didn't think about it. BTW, I used Milano cookies instead of ladyfingers, it was delish!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Our conversation last night

Jason and I have the funniest conversations sometimes when we are in bed trying to relax and fall to sleep. We were talking about what we think one of our friends' babies will look like. Here is last nights' convo...
J: "Probably blue eyes and lots of blonde hair just like the dad"
A: "Well if our babies have curls, then I'm never cutting their hair....ever"
long pause....
J: "Wait, what if we have a boy?"
A: "Oh, I'm not cutting his either, not until he's like four or something, I'll just be too heartbroken to chop off those curls, I'll cry like a baby"
J: "Um, okay but we're gonna have to go ahead and get those tears out, okay?"
A: "What do you mean?"
J: "Our son is not having long, gay hair"

Well there you go, our sons will not have long hair, curls or no curls. Though, I highly doubt our babies will have curls since Jason's hair is stick straight and mine was straight until I hit puberty. I guess time will only tell.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sawyer helps Daddy workout!

Sawyer is very much a 'velcro dog' meaning he has to be everywhere we are. Here is a perfect example of him 'helping' Daddy get a workout on. He is so intrigued by what J is doing.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Amazing group of friends

Jason and I are so fortunate to be apart of our Life Group. They are a bunch of amazing couples and they truly are awesome. So awesome that I received a letter in the mail from a great gal in our group. She's so great and I'm so pathetic because I still to this day haven't taken a moment to call her and thank her properly. The note is sitting right here at my desk waiting for me to pick up the telly and call her. So since I'm so lame, I figured I'd make a post about it. This gal is so encouraging and a great model of an amazing Christian wife and mother. She (and the others) are a great testament to me and they help me to strive and be the best Christian and wife I can be to Jason. Thank you Lindsay, your note really was the best thing I received that week and it meant a lot to me that you took the time to sit down and write me a very encouraging note. Thanks Ladies, you all are amazing!

Friday, February 6, 2009

My Husband Rocks Friday

Well my friend April *see The Landes on my friends and family section* does a segment on her blog every Friday (or almost every) about her husband Matt. I think this is a great idea because most husbands do so much for their families and don't usually get any credit for it. Jason is one amazing man, I wonder everyday how I'm the one who scored him. He does the sweetest things for me pretty often and I don't usually acknowledge it as much as I should. Well this past week I was frustrated with our apartment being messy and just feeling like I can never get it cleaned (thanks to our newest addition). Well on Wednesday night Jason and I went to Coldstone, he knows that I love ice cream and he isn't much for going out and getting sweets. I got cake batter with sprinkles and he stuck with chocolate with chocolate chips. We even had a coupon so it was a cheap dessert date!

Then last night he told me that he would clean the kitchen. I have to admit, usually when he says that I think to myself "okay well he'll clean it now, but i'll have to really clean it later". I hate that about me, I'm a perfectionist and it really gets to Jason, I know that and I'm trying to work on that. But last night he told me he'd clean up the dishes and clean the kitchen. I was just relaxing watching some shows on DVR and when I got up to put away my glass at the end of the night, my kitchen was clean. I have to admit, he did a better job than I would have done. He had handwashed the pots and had even put them away. I have a bad habit of washing them but letting them airdry which means a rag on the counter with several pots resting on it.

It may not seem like a lot to some, but for me, it was perfect. I'm a simple girl, though J says otherwise! It's the little things that matter to me and I love you for it. So, there's my first MHR post. Even if I have nothing else to write about during the week I hope I can stick with a post every Friday about the sweet things my man does for me.

Dog Park

Since we got Sawyer we've taken him to the dog park on a pretty regular basis. We try to get there at least once a week because we feel very strongly about socializing him early and putting him in every kind of situation he can be in. He absolutely loves that place, he doesn't even care that he's one of the smallest dogs either. I'll try and get some pictures, or better yet, a video of him there. Needless to say, he has to have a bath when we get home. Every. single. time. He rolls around in the dirt and it's quite a sight. We're going on Saturday, so stay tuned....

Our little guy isn't so little anymore :(

Well Sawyer is growing like a weed, in one month's time he gained 10 pounds, he's really a lot of fun. Especially since we don't have to get up in the night anymore, man those weeks were hard!

This is what our little guy does best~SLEEP~ and what do you know, he has to be right at my feet at all times. I'm sitting at the desk now and he's right under me.

Here he is using this rag as a pillow, can you see how long he's getting?

I just had to throw this one in, when Sawyer gets a little too rough 'mouthing' or what we call biting with razors (because that is what his teeth feel like) Jason puts him on his back and holds him in place and puts him in his place! It really is quite funny because it works like a charm, it doesn't hurt him at all and he won't make eye contact with Jason when he's doing it to him. Then when Jason lets go of him, Sawyer will come over and will lick him constantly like 'I know, Dadda, I'm sorry I was playing too rough with you, please forgive me'. Its the cutest thing.

Last night, as Jason was cleaning up the dishes from dinner we suddenly couldn't find S. Jason looked in the dining room area and there was our little man, sleeping under the tower to our entertainment center. He can just barely fit under it and he seems to be utilizing it every minute he can until he can't fit under there anymore. Of course, when I walked over to get my camera he woke up, but isn't this just hilarious?

'Oh, Momma, did you want to take my picture? I'll pose for you now'

Little pup, you have grown so much in the short time that we've had you. You have brought us so much joy. We love you!

Starting Point Baby Shower

While I don't have any pictures to prove I was there at April's baby shower, I can say that I had a great time! I'm ashamed that its taken me this long to actually attend one but I did have a lot of fun. April got some goodies and we also had another member of our Life Group give birth while we were there (well she was in the hospital~of course!) Avery Morgan was born Saturday, January 31st. She is absolutely beautiful and I love the name. Congratulations Josh and Michelle!

World's Worst Blogger

I know, I know, I'm a horrible blogger. I get online every single day and have several blogs that I follow daily. I just personally think that my life is boring so what is there to fill you guys in on? Hmmm, I better get thinking and I'll try to get better at this whole blogging thing!