It's been a LOOOOONNNNG time since I've last updated this blog. So much has happened since I last wrote on this thing (October)!! Jason and I have been blessed with so many wonderful blessings. Here is what has been going on in our lives since we've last updated you guys......
In October, the 23rd to be exact, we were given a beautiful niece. Her name is Willa Kate Barron-Gafford, and while she lives in Tucson, we try our hardest to watch her grow on her very own blog! She is now 6 months and is thriving!!! She was 9 pounds when she was born and she truly just melts my heart!!! Greg, Amy, and little Willa Kate (as Jason and I call her) came to visit in January. Willa was already 12 weeks old, but she took to Jason and I so quickly. She was all smiles the whole time she was here and we loved those few days we were able to spend with them! I will try and post pictures as soon as I can, and as soon as I learn how to!

In October, the 23rd to be exact, we were given a beautiful niece. Her name is Willa Kate Barron-Gafford, and while she lives in Tucson, we try our hardest to watch her grow on her very own blog! She is now 6 months and is thriving!!! She was 9 pounds when she was born and she truly just melts my heart!!! Greg, Amy, and little Willa Kate (as Jason and I call her) came to visit in January. Willa was already 12 weeks old, but she took to Jason and I so quickly. She was all smiles the whole time she was here and we loved those few days we were able to spend with them! I will try and post pictures as soon as I can, and as soon as I learn how to!

For Christmas, Jason's loving mother, Debbie, surprised Jason with a Playstation 3!!! He was beside himself and truly couldn't believe it for the first 5 minutes or so. I knew he was getting it the whole time, and I actually was the one who had to go to Best Buy and purchase it for her. I even wrapped it and hit it in the car and dropped it off at Debbie's home when we visited for Thanksgiving. I even got a small video of Jason opening his big gift from her and I'll have to see if I can upload it so that you guys can get a good laugh!! Debbie truly is an amazing woman who has been through so much. She gives me inspiration to be a better woman!
Just a quick note before you read this next month. I have two Jason's in my life; well really more than that since we have A LOT of friends named Jason, but ultimately two really close Jasons. One is Jason Gibbs, he is my husband of almost one year!! The other is Jason Barron, he is my brother who is almost 30! For the most part, when I say 'Jason', I'm referring to the love of my life, most of the time I'll say brother Jason if I am referring to Jason Barron. Okay, read along now....
In January, the Barron-Gaffords came to visit like I mentioned before. We really all had so much fun with them and I was lucky enough to not have to even work the whole time they were here. It was so great, I love and miss them so much!!! My brother Jason also ran the Chevron Houston Half Marathon!! That's right- he ran 13.1 miles!!! The race was a little chilly for those of us cheering him on, but he did amazing! He completed the whole thing in 2 hours and 4 minutes! What a great time J!!! I literally was crying the whole time I was out there cheering him on. The atmosphere and everyone cheering is just really motivating. If you've never experienced the Houston Marathon, I strongly suggest you do. Even if you don't personally know anyone running, get out there and support your healthy Houstonians!!! Brother Jason said he really wanted to give it a try after seeing me complete the whole marathon (26.2 miles) last January 2007. Husband Jason (Gibbs) ran the last 3.5ish with brother Jason (Barron) and he got really invigorated to do it himself. So we've both signed up to run the half marathon next January in 2009. We are looking forward to running it together and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Jason's mom has even sparked some interest in completing a half marathon in her lifetime and Jason and I are going to hold her to it!
Just a quick note before you read this next month. I have two Jason's in my life; well really more than that since we have A LOT of friends named Jason, but ultimately two really close Jasons. One is Jason Gibbs, he is my husband of almost one year!! The other is Jason Barron, he is my brother who is almost 30! For the most part, when I say 'Jason', I'm referring to the love of my life, most of the time I'll say brother Jason if I am referring to Jason Barron. Okay, read along now....
In January, the Barron-Gaffords came to visit like I mentioned before. We really all had so much fun with them and I was lucky enough to not have to even work the whole time they were here. It was so great, I love and miss them so much!!! My brother Jason also ran the Chevron Houston Half Marathon!! That's right- he ran 13.1 miles!!! The race was a little chilly for those of us cheering him on, but he did amazing! He completed the whole thing in 2 hours and 4 minutes! What a great time J!!! I literally was crying the whole time I was out there cheering him on. The atmosphere and everyone cheering is just really motivating. If you've never experienced the Houston Marathon, I strongly suggest you do. Even if you don't personally know anyone running, get out there and support your healthy Houstonians!!! Brother Jason said he really wanted to give it a try after seeing me complete the whole marathon (26.2 miles) last January 2007. Husband Jason (Gibbs) ran the last 3.5ish with brother Jason (Barron) and he got really invigorated to do it himself. So we've both signed up to run the half marathon next January in 2009. We are looking forward to running it together and continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Jason's mom has even sparked some interest in completing a half marathon in her lifetime and Jason and I are going to hold her to it!